Looking good on your wedding day is an important element of the wedding planning process and a daunting one at that. If you're not naturally a 'beauty' girl, you can follow this timeline for the basic wedding beauty regime.

Of course, if you have your own structure, then stick to that; number one rule with beauty is to not change things up too close to the big day a you never know how your skin will react.

3 months before

You're into the final weeks of your engagement and your wedding is very much on the horizon. With 12 weeks to go, it is especially important to consider your diet. Beauty comes from within and so if you're feeding your body with good foods and liquids, your natural glow will be plain to see. Drink lots of water and include avocado, fish and leafy greens in your diet.

3 months before is also the minimum time before where you can start trialing some make up looks. This also includes eyebrows and eyelashes treatment. For example, you might consider having your eyebrows threaded, so by trailing it plenty of time before you can gauge when you need to book your pre-wedding appointment.

2 months before

Give your skin a bit of an extra boost for the last 8 weeks with some homemade face masks.

2 weeks before

Try and cut out (or, with all the celebrations going on, cut down) booze for the final two weeks of your engagement. This will really give your complexion a lift when there is the most pressure on it to look good!

1 week before

Don't try any new products on your face at this point. A reaction to a new face soap out of the blue just isn't worth it! It might be tempting to try out various things in all the madness but stick to your routine; its served you well until now!

Finally and simply, get enough sleep. You'll be rushed off your feet at this point but any extra half hour of sleep will really give your complexion the boost it needs. Last thing you want on your wedding day are bags under those excited eyes!